The Number One Reason Why Ignoring Your Worries Doesn’t Work
When we try to ignore something our brain really wants us to process, it will work even harder to try and get our attention and the best time is of course, in the middle of night…
How to Set Realistic Sleep Goals
Here are my three top tips on how to avoid falling into the trap of setting yourself up to fail when it comes to improving your sleep.
Three Ways to Get More Energy During the Day
If you’ve had a bad night’s sleep and are feeling as though you’re really lacking in energy, here are three things you can do to help boost your energy during the day.
Why You Should Forget the Eight Hour Myth
Have you ever had lots of sleep but felt shattered, or just had a few hours but felt great? This tells you two things…
The One Thing to Avoid if You Wake in the Night
There are many sleep issues people face, but one that comes up time and time again when people are seeking help, is a problem with waking in the middle of the night.
The Link Between Hormones and Sleep
There are many things that can have a direct impact on our quality of sleep. From diet and lifestyle to stress and alcohol, many factors can affect our ability to sleep well. However, many of us don’t realise how much of an impact our hormones can have.
Why a bad night’s sleep is good for you
I’m going to tell you something you’ve probably never heard before. A bad night’s sleep is good for you…
Depression and insomnia, the chicken or the egg?
Depression and insomnia often go hand in hand. In fact, studies have shown that 83% of depressed patients have at least one insomnia symptom, but which comes first?
A sleep experts big secret
Can I let you into a little secret? Even sleep experts don’t sleep well all the time.
5 ways to stop anxiety impacting your sleep
With everything that’s happened since 2020, it’s easy to feel consumed by worry; whether it’s social media scrolling or simply watching the evening news, we’re constantly being bombarded with bad news…
What You Should Be Doing Instead of Sleep Hygiene
Are you ready for the uncomfortable truth? If you’re truly suffering with insomnia, no silk eye mask, relaxing bubble bath or winddown routine is going to fix the problem.
Is Insomnia a Symptom of Covid?
There’s been a wealth of research conducted into the phenomenon of “coronasomnia”, all coming to an array of conclusions, but key outtakes show some clear patterns.
Case Study – Insomnia Triggered by Lockdown
When the pandemic first hit and we went into lockdown, many reported struggling with insomnia, triggered by either stress and anxiety due to the unusual situation, or as a result of contracting covid. Michael found his sleep beginning to deteriorate during May 2020, in the height of lockdown.
How Poor Sleep Kills Your Productivity
When the pressure is really on at work, there’s loads to get done at home and the kids all have different schedules to adhere to, that’s the time you really need to be on your “A game”. Ironically, it also tends to be the time our sleep can really begin to suffer.
How to Cope with Pregnancy Insomnia
Tiredness and fatigue, particularly during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, are common. What’s more, later on in pregnancy, it’s no surprise we feel exhausted, with the physical change to our bodies and extra weight we are carrying every day.
How to Get Your Sleep Back After Lockdown
With the government’s road out of lockdown nearing its end, and life soon returning to normal, it’s no surprise many of us are feeling anxious about the change, wondering how we’re going to cope with busier social schedules and a more stringent daily routine. What’s more, a culmination of lockdown habits will have negatively impacted our sleep...
How to Improve Your Sleep as a New Parent
Anyone who’s become a parent knows how much pressure there is to sleep well, but the good news is there are tried and tested steps you can take to help you sleep well and live better.
How Effective is CBT-i Therapy?
When you develop insomnia, it’s not cutting out coffee and taking tablets that’s going to provide a long-term solution, it’s CBT for insomnia (CBT-i).
Case study – long-term insomnia recovery
Alan had insomnia for many years before finding The Insomnia Clinic, initially triggered by drug and alcohol abuse. This led to Alan believing he was stuck with poor sleep forever, and that he would never sleep properly again.
Sleep hygiene, does it really work?
As we hear more and more in the media about how to improve your sleep using sleep hygiene tips, I want to talk about why sleep hygiene might actually be making your sleep worse.